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Buy Portable B/W Ultrasound Machine online in Dubai UAE


  • A portable B/W ultrasound machine is a type of portable ultrasound device that uses black-and-white imaging to produce high-resolution images of internal body structures. "B/W" stands for "black and white," indicating that the images produced by the machine are in grayscale rather than in color.


  • This Ultrasonic diagnostic instrument using a 3.5 MHz electronic convex array probe, adopts full digital beam former (DBF) real-time dynamic aperture imaging (RDA); full digital dynamic receives focusing (DRF); frequency conversion; 8 segments TGC; dynamic digital filtering; dynamic digital filtering; image enhancement; line correlation, frame correlation, point correlation, linear interpolation, and many other image processing technologies, etc.


  • Display modes as B, B/B, 4B, B+M and M, image multiplying factors of x0.8, 4.0, 4.2, x 1.5 xl .8, x2.0 under the B mode;


  • With 128 a large memory and offers permanent storage, cine loop in real time; 256 images are available after diagnosis of real-time playback or by image viewer.


  • Has measurements of distance, area, circumference, heart rate, gestational weeks (BPD, GS CRL, FL, HC, OFD, TTD, and AC 8 measurement kinds), and so on.


  • 16 kinds of pseudo color processing; real-time clock; serial number of medical records; many note functions as full-screen character noting.


  • Adopts large-scale integrated circuit FPGA, MSF, mass memory, surface mounting technology, and so on.
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